Image Assembly
coscholastic assembly

Class Assembly- 3C

Class 3C presented the assembly on the topic ‘Emotions’. Children commenced the assembly by showcasing their talent such as Guru Vandana through Kathak, raag yaman on harmonium and melody of Fur Elise on keyboard. Then they sang a beautiful song ‘Happiness is something’…. After the song, children introduced emotions and explained how they are an integral part of our personality. This was followed by a poem ‘Emotion Commotion’. They also presented a short skit exhibiting different emotions that we have. They danced gracefully on the tunes of the song, ‘Feelings’. All the children participated with enthusiasm and confidence. It was a great learning journey for all the children.

coscholastic assembly

Class Assembly- 3E

Theme of the assembly was ‘The Joy of Reading’. Children spoke about the journey of reading - explaining how reading has evolved over the years. They also presented a short skit titled ‘The Bookworm Boogie’. This was followed by a  poem on Books and explaining the importance of books in our lives. All the children participated with enthusiasm and confidence. They sang a beautiful song ‘When I am reading…’ and danced gracefully to the tunes of ‘Gotta keep reading…’. It was a great learning experience for all the children.


coscholastic assembly

On April 24th, 2024, Class 5A hosted a vibrant class assembly centered around the theme "Embracing Diversity through Dance." The assembly served as a celebration of
the universal language of dance and its significance in fostering unity and appreciation for different cultures. The event commenced with a discussion highlighting the importance of dance in our
lives, emphasizing its ability to transcend barriers and promote inclusivity. Coinciding with International Dance Day, the assembly aimed to showcase the rich tapestry of dance forms worldwide.

The assembly featured a mesmerizing medley of dance performances, showcasing diverse dance styles spanning continents. Students were grouped into teams and presented an array of dance forms, including African dance, Australian Bush dance, Kathak, Hip hop, Latin, Flamenco, and Penguin Dance, each performance reflecting the cultural richness and diversity of our world.
Adding a musical touch, students melodiously sang the song "We Are the World," further reinforcing the message of unity and global harmony.

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