Image Events

World Art Day

The students  celebrated World Art Day on 15.4.24. It is the birthday of world renowned artist, Leonardo da Vinci, which is observed as World Art Day. The students came dressed as artists like Pablo Picasso, Jatin Das, MF Hussain, Amrita Shergill, Leonardo da Vinci . They spoke about the accomplishments and contribution of these artists to the world of Art. All the students in the class got an opportunity to learn about these artists. The students used different mediums like pastels, water colour, crayons, oil paints to make bookmarks and cards. They  also got an opportunity to express themselves with colours on a vast canvas.


Earth Day

Every year since 1970, 22nd April is commended as World Earth Day to exhibit support for the well-being of the earth and raise awareness about environmental protection. 

Keeping in mind this year’s theme – “Invest in Our Planet”, we held an interactive session on how to make paper mache and the usefulness of paper mache. Children learned the technique of making paper mache. Children were made aware of this alternative technique to reuse and recycle paper. 

The resource person Ms. Jasmine Maggo (Art dept.) also encouraged the children to adopt alternative means to recycle and reuse articles and stop the wastage of the resources found on Earth. 

Students also shared their insights about ways to make the earth a better place to live. 




Baisakhi is a vibrant and joyous festival celebrated in various parts of India, particularly in the state of Punjab. It marks the harvest season and holds religious significance for both Sikhs and Hindus.

The students came dressed in traditional attire and performed folk dances such as Bhangra and Giddha, creating a festive atmosphere. They also spoke a few lines on the significance of the day across the country. The celebrations provided a comprehensive and immersive experience for the students and also nurtured appreciation for diversity and cultural heritage.



Class I Merrython

The Class I Merrython was a truly remarkable event that showcased the incredible athleticism and sportsmanship of our students. The day began with a torch-bearing ceremony, as our youngest students proudly carried the torch to symbolize the start of the race. As the runners set off, the excitement in the air was palpable, and the cheers of the crowd echoed through the school grounds. 

 It was a truly unforgettable display of teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship, and a testament to the incredible abilities of our students. The event was filled with excitement as participants showcased their skills across various races. Each race had a unique theme, which added to the thrill of the event. The students demonstrated their agility, endurance, and ability to overcome obstacles, which was truly amazing to watch. This was followed by a captivating dance performance centered around the event's theme. All the students were awarded badges, crowns, or sashes, and the crowd erupted into cheers.




The telematch event, The Enchanted Unicorn Express held on 19th March 2024 was a resounding success, captivating the hearts of both participants and spectators alike! With the entire class of Prep students actively involved, the event was a colourful display of teamwork, creativity, and boundless energy. One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of sashes to all participating students. Every student was acknowledged as a winner, fostering a sense of achievement and pride among the young participants.

The creativity and enthusiasm displayed by the students in embracing their respective themes were commendable, showcasing their dedication and spirit of participation. The show witnessed an outpouring of support and appreciation from parents, who cheered on the young participants with fervour and pride. The Enchanted Unicorn Express was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impression on all those who attended. The event not only entertained but also inspired, reaffirming the importance of such joyful celebrations.





 A Trip to the G-20 Park

G - 20 park is a Waste to Art park at Kautilya Marg in Chanakyapuri where sculptures made from scrap metal salvaged from automobile waste dumps have been displayed. Sculptures depicting birds from G 20 countries have been showcased at the park. This project is also covered as part of the initiative of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle under Swachh Survekshan 2023. Students of grade 1 witnessed a range of beautiful sculptures and it was a great take away initiative to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. They enjoyed the picnic and had lots of scrumptious snacks.



Class IV Annual Day

The annual day celebration, themed "Atulya Bharat," showcased India's incredible diversity and cultural richness through various performances. Students portrayed iconic monuments like Jagannath Puri, Ajmer Sharif, Taj Mahal, and Meenakshi Devi temple through dances such as Chau, Sufi, Kathak, and Bharatanatyam, respectively. The Indian Choir sang songs and stirred emotions emphasizing unity in diversity and the importance of exploring India's rich heritage. A team of talented speakers enacted a skit woven with  various nuances of dialogues ans poems with rich expressions. The skit revolved around grandchildren visiting their grandparents, who instilled in them a love for India's uniqueness and cultural diversity. The grand finale featured the Western choir's prayer song, delivered with soothing harmony. The event was a resounding success, with all fourth-grade students participating and expressing themselves on stage, delighting the audience with their performances.




Paper Mache Art Workshop

Guest - Gauri Gupta

Paper Mache is an old art form where repulped paper is mixed with glue or clay and can be molded into beautiful shapes and artifacts.

Students of grade 1 today experienced this hands-on workshop. There was a demo on how to recycle paper using this  technique and molded it into different artifacts like flowers, bowls, frames, ladybirds and more.

We hope children will be encouraged to recycle old paper at home similarly as a sustainable craft activity.



Class II Math Cafe

As part of experiential learning, class 2 planned a ‘Math Cafe’ as their Annual Day. It was a joyous occasion filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Children embarked on a fun adventure into the world of money with their grandparents which gave students life skills to deal with money in day-to-day life. This activity further honed their listening and communication skills. The activity equipped them with the knowledge and skills they need to manage their money effectively now and in the future. They learnt to use coins and notes together and discover how they can make money transactions exciting! Students spent quality time with their beloved grandparents. From heartwarming hugs to helping with calculations, each moment encapsulated the warmth and bond shared between generations.


Food Festival

The Food Festival was held on 1st and 2nd February. Each section had chosen a different state for the festival.  On 1st February the three states – Gujarat, Maharashtra and Kerala were showcased by sections 3B, 3C and 3E respectively and on 2nd February Sections 3A, 3D and 3F showcased the states of Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Punjab.

The activity was held on class 3 floor in the respective classrooms. The classrooms were decorated with beautiful posters, charts, maps, pictures and displays of famous artifacts, handicrafts and famous food of the state. The students along with their EVS teachers and class teachers welcomed the Headmistress Ms.Vinita Gupta in the traditional way like welcome tika or lighting the diya or blowing of the conch shell.

The students dressed up in the traditional costume of the state and spoke about the unique features like monuments, famous personalities, art forms, festivals, festive food and famous dishes of the state. They were encouraged to bring any famous food of the state in their tiffin, which they enjoyed after the activity. 



National Road Safety Week

National Road Safety Week was observed from January 11 to January 17,2024.

The students of class 1 were made aware of the same by holding class discussions on the importance and ways of being safe while on roads.

Short stories, videos and poems were used to further enrich the class discussions.

Poster Making Activity on 15.01.2024

All the students enthusiastically participated in making Posters on :

How to be Road Smart and Safe

The children drew colourful drawings depicting ways to be safe on roads and how to follow the traffic safety rules and be smart.

The posters were enhanced by the catchy slogans that werre written by the students to spread the message to increase awareness about Road Safety.



Class III Annual Day

Theme - Land of Emojis

The annual day celebration was a resounding success with the theme 'Land of Emojis.' Each section of Class 3 presented their emotions and expressions creatively, captivating the audience throughout the event. This celebration not only showcased the talents of the students but also conveyed important messages of wonder, hope, joy, friendship, mischief, and the significance of celebration. The event will be cherished as a joyful memory by both the participants and the audience.



Family Eco Fest

An Eco Fest is a commendable initiative that promotes environmental awareness and
sustainable practices.

Keeping this motto in mind, students of class 1 of DPS, Vasant Vihar celebrated Family Eco Fest on the 23rd and 24th of November, 2023. Students were excited to be accompanied by their parents and grandparents. This event not only focused on environmental awareness but also strengthened family bonds.


Visit to Panchvati: Old Age Home

The Teresian club organised a visit to Panchvati , an old age home located in Tughlukabad extension area. A group 18 students from classes 4 and 5 along with the club incharges and a parent volunteer, spent a couple of hours with the residents there. They presented a gift hamper and a painting to the senior most resident who is 98 years old.The students had prepared a short cultural programme which started with a bhajan followed by  recitation of two self composed poems, in Hindi and English . They asked interesting questions and interacted with the seniors, who answered with great enthusiasm telling the children about their childhood and shared some anecdotes with them as well.The objective of the visit was to encourage the children to spend some time with the seniors and learn valuable lessons from their experience and wisdom.The incharge of the old age home, Ms Neelam Mohan took the children on a tour of the place and showed them around the building, including their beautiful garden, solar power generation panels and greenhouse. The residents complimented the children for the wonderful programme that they presented. The visit to Panchvati was an exciting and enriching experience for the students. 



Calculus Crew Day

‘Mathematics gives us a way to understand patterns and  to quantify relationships’.  The Calculus Crew Day comprised of three parts-

1. Math Relay

It was  conducted in the School Greens where the participants were evaluated on the basis of their mental as well as their physical ability. Two children from each section were a part of the relay race which also consisted of solving 4 Math questions. 

2. Math Advertisement

Each child made an advertisement on a digit from 0 to 9. They spoke about  numbers and how useful they are  in  our everyday life.  The presentation was followed by a Rapid Round where the judges asked the participants a set of questions.

3. Math-o-Couture

The children came dressed in a mathematical dress keeping in mind – ‘Mathematics around us’. They used props and spoke a few lines on the topics they presented which varied from shapes around us to calculators to Math used in designing.





Class V rescue rangers club members delivered an informative talk and PPT on the do's and don'ts during an Earthquake in a school set up.The students presented posters and PPT for making the Class III students understand the gravity of the situation during an emergency. They enacted how to take some basic safest measures if they encounter an Earthquake in school or at home. The talk was followed by a question answer round for better understanding.


Members  of the rescue ranger's club were made aware about the basic first aid to be given to fellow students in case of  an emergency in the school.Students attended a talk and a demonstration by the school doctor (Dr. Alpana) and  the nurse.The session included do's and don't s during an emergency situation -  focusing on panic attack,dizziness, nose bleeding, cut/open wound followed by  question answer session.It was an enriching experience for the students.

Rescue Rangers Club Poster Making and Just a Minute

Participants made posters on the theme : Do's and Don't s during an Earthquake.The activity was followed by speaking  for just a minute, where the participants presented their posters and spoke about the topic for a minute. It was an informative and an enriching activity.




 Trip to Air Force Museum

It was a day filled with wonder, learning, and adventure as students of grade 1 explored the fascinating world of aviation and the history of our nation's Air Force.  The Students were greeted by the Air Force staff and they started their tour by visiting various aircraft, from historic planes to modern jets. The children's eyes lit up as they saw the massive airplanes  so close to them.  Class teachers had a very interactive time with their students learning about the different roles of Air Force officers from fighting during the war to rescuing people during natural calamities. They also shared captivating stories about the brave men and women who have served in the  Indian Air Force. The children learned about the importance of teamwork, courage, and dedication. Numerous photographs  were captured alongside colossal Air Force aircraft, missiles, fighter tanks, etc.

Students enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch together with their class teachers, sharing stories of their favorite aircraft and the exciting things they had seen. Also they had a good time watching a small documentary  on the Indian Air Force.



Independence Day

On the occasion of India's Independence day, students of  various classes  participated in various activities conducted in the week of 15th August. 

 Students were asked to make craft in which they could depict the colors of India's National Flag. Students presented their creativity through origami and coloring. Beautiful tricolor tulips and kites were crafted by the students. The entire corridor was decorated with the art and craft work made by the students.The craft activity was followed by an intra-section Hindi Poem Recitation competition on 16 August, in which the students recited patriotic poems in Hindi. They were dressed as various freedom fighters and recited their favourite patriotic poem. The students were evaluated for their content, narration and creativity. The class teachers appreciated the students for their efforts and encouraged them to continue respecting the country's diverse culture and traditions. Overall, it was a wonderful celebration of India's 76th Independence Day. 

The school succeeded in fostering a sense of pride and appreciation for our country among the students.



Daddy's Dream Day Class 1

The fun-filled day started with full excitement when fathers entered their children's classroom. Each section of class 1 had their own  cooking without fire themes according to sections-  Mango tango, Cherry Berry Cone, Cuddly Cupcakes, Cookies and Crumble, Bakers Street Breads, Puchkas meet Nachos.  

 Daddy's Dream Day celebration gave a chance to the fathers to showcase their cooking  without fire talents. All father's alongwith their children showcased their amazing creative and yummy dishes.There was also a craft activity where students made lovely Daddy's Dream Day souvenirs for their fathers. 

Head Mistress Vinita Gupta ma'am and Supervisor Aastha Pradhan ma’am  graced the occasion and interacted with the students and fathers who showcased their talent.



National Reading Week   10-18th July

The National Reading Week was observed with the aim of partaking in the‘Celebration of Literacy’. We observed the National Reading week starting from 10th July till 18th July. The National Reading week has been planned with activities aiming at developing a love for reading and exploring the possibilities that come with reading regularly.

All classes participated very enthusistically  participating in various activities like the D.E.A.R time,  Story book covers on my favorite book, Math with Little Red Riding Hood, Creating a Story Map, If the Shoe Fits, Spin the End, Where Can I see Rounded Objects, Story on Shapes, various hindi reading activities like budhiman kaun, Read and Draw. The entire school was buzzing with reading books even the admin staff and all the helpers of D.PS Vasant Vihar were involved in the  International Reading Week.


Interschool Competitions